Plocka fram husets själ
Vi har hållit på att renovera vårt hus i ett par år och gör lite i sänder. Köket har fått några makeovers, som inte kostat så mycket i väntan på en total makeover med nya skåp, bänksskivor, blandare mm. En totalrenovering av köket har fått vänta då vi har behövt prioritera,dränering, avlopp,stambyte och badrumsrenovering före.
Men det har varit en spännande resa. Först plockade vi ner överskåpen, och satte upp pärlspont på väggarna och målade luckorna vita. Ca två år senare bytte vi fönster. Bort med de moderna fel dimensionerade fönstren och in med gamla 100 åriga korspostfönster. Vi öppnade även upp innertaket i fuskträ som hade satts in på 90-talet. Därunder hittade vi ett gammalt fint pärlspontstak som dessvärre inte gick att rädda, då tidigare ägare hade fräst i taket så att ledningarna skulle få plats. Vi fick helt enkelt sätta in ett nytt pärlspontstak.
Det senaste vi gjorde, var att ta bort valvet och få en rak öppning samt sätta in en altandörr. Det blev hur bra som helst.
I veckan som kommer skall vi börja med vårt sovrum. Det ska bli så spännande att öppna upp väggar och tak för att se hur det ser ut under. Pärlspontstak skall det finnas i allafall, för det finns det överallt på övervåningen.
Ha det så gott/Anna

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Price: Free See Details. That is, until Happn came along. Happn there your current location to alert you of other users nearby, so if you’re too scared best talk to a best cutie sites the train, Happn can help you match with them and tip you off to other singles who are nearby. Home » Articles » The 3 Best Dating Sites in Finland (What I Learned) Because there are so many daters on POF looking for all sorts of relationships, POF has implemented a pretty advanced search feature that allows you to whittle down the crowd. The quality of daters doesn’t seem to be as top-notch as some other apps on this list, but there are definitely some catches who make their way onto the site. The Pure App is also a site and it’s free, so I couldn’t leave it off the list. This free dating network is strange but works. Some users have no problem claiming that it’s the app of the year, but I wouldn’t go that far. This app works by connecting people within a specific radius and for a specific period of time. You’ve got 31 miles between you and your next hookup and only 60 minutes to make a connection with them. They have a premium option but it’s not necessary. Is it better than Tinder? I’d say so, but not better than the site I’m about share with you.
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This new waterproof eyeliner formula delivers long-lasting definition with a twist of the wrist: Colour winds up when you need it, winds down when you don’t. A built-in sharpener at the opposite end detaches for quick refreshes. Chanel BeautyStylo Yeux Waterproof Long-Lasting Eyeliner-10 Ebene Bobbi Brown Long-Wear Gel Eyeliner Choco … Super easy to apply, Stylo Yeux Waterproof trace a full of color line for a intense and seductive look. This new waterproof eyeliner formula delivers long-lasting definition with a twist of the wrist: Colour winds up when you need it, winds down when you don’t. A built-in sharpener at the opposite end detaches for quick refreshes. About reviewer (258 reviews) Web ID: 12614876 Current slide of – Best Selling in Eyeliner RM358.70 RM277.00
The market is brimming with endless options for compact powders for different skin types and tones. And it gets easy to pick the best compact powder for your skin type and tone when you know the tricks. We hope the tricks and tips discussed In the article will help you pick the right one. So take this article on how to choose compact powder as your guide and get closer to perfecting your touch-ups and long-lasting setting of your makeup. 1. Matte means flat. When you’re young, your skin has a natural glow. If you have oily skin, that glow can get out of hand so powder is useful. However, most women find that, after 50, their skin dries out and powder can leave mature skins looking dry and flat. Not to mention drawing attention to those wrinkles. So as the glow of youth diminishes, you need to enhance it, not hide it! So stick to sheer translucent powders and steer clear of anything with beige or pink undertones as these will age you.
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Ailangke Wholesale Bartender Sexy Outfits Best Sell Luna Lounge Uniforms for Night Club CAFE CIRCA Wear black! One of the best parts about bartending is that you get to buy new clothes. You’ve probably noticed that bartenders are almost always wearing black: it’s so we can hide our messes. I’ve got a terrible habit of spilling cranberry juice all over myself, and the beauty of black clothing is that no one ever knows! It’s like magic! Don’t buy anything expensive or super fancy, because chances are high that you will ruin it at some point, so hit up Goodwill and local thrift shops for affordable bartending attire. Nisi: Shh… we gonna check his heart to see if it’s still beating… Go on. Check it. I don’t want to buy stuff that’s too outside of my own style, which falls somewhere between classy New Yorker and boho chic. My favorite go-to outfit might be, for example, a flowy top, a long fitted black blazer with sleeves rolled to the elbows, a huge burnout velvet scarf, black skinny jeans, and sharp black ankle boots with a leather wristwatch and a loose braid for my hair. I like a mixture of fitted/severe and soft/flowy. Lots of black, but my color type really fits best into soft autumn so I love gentle jewel tones and greys.
The Beige aesthetic, also known as the Nude or Cream aesthetic, is a trend that started in Instagram. It first became popular among models and influencers who embody the minimalistic and classy aesthetic. This style is also often associated with the “green juice girl” who also evokes a similar vibe. When it comes to fashion, the Beige aesthetic leans toward clean lines and follows a natural color palette. Blazers, casual suits, white sneakers, and minimal accessories are the most common elements of this style. Every decade has a resurgence in modern trends at some point, and the vintage aesthetic is no exception. Various elements from previous decades inspire this aesthetic’s look, such as band T-shirts from the 60s, bellbottom jeans from the 70s, an 80s color palette, and styling from the 90s. You can effortlessly achieve a vintage aesthetic outfit by mixing some of your modern pieces with pieces from previous decades. It can be as simple as incorporating a pair of retro sunglasses, a bandana, a patterned shirt, or high-waisted bottoms into your outfit.
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Hej. Vi renoverar ett hus från 30-talet lite i taget och kan inte bestämma hur vi ska göra med golven. Nu har vi olika golv i många rum efter att huset fått nya ytor i flera omgångar under olika årtionden. Jag undrar vad ni har för golv i köket och vardagsrummet? Är det äkta trägolv och hur är de behandlade i så fall? Är golvet lättstädat? Vackert hem! Hälsningar från Anna-Lena i Finland
Du har så fint hemma. Vi är mitt i totalrenovering som börjar snart av kök, badrum mm. Kul att hitta inspiration.
Rosor och ruiner
Vilken skillnad det har blivit i ert kök, vad mycket det gör med vit färg, öppna hyllor och trä!
Anna Truelsen
Vackert, igen 🙂 Hälsningar från Finland, Minna J.
Anna Truelsen