Eggplant & mosarellagratäng.
Jag blev helt överväldigad av maten på Cooks club Adakoy/ Marmaris där vi semestrade. Jag åt mycket vegetarisk mat och seafood, lite kyckling slank ner med.
En av man favoriträtter på hotellet var en gratäng på eggplant & mosarella. Jag hittade ett recept när jag googlade som jag gärna delar med mig av. Jag följde det inte till punkt och pricka då jag i stort sätt alltid modifierar recept. Bl.a så hade jag en slatt rödvin i tomatsåsen och kryddade den även med timjan.
Ha det så gott/Anna

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These selections represent just a few examples of essays we found impressive and helpful during the past admissions cycle. We hope these essays inspire you as you prepare to compose your own personal statements. The most important thing to remember is to be original as you share your own story, thoughts, and ideas with us. For the 2020-2021 college application cycle, there are seven different prompts for the Common App personal essay. Read on to understand what admissions officers are expecting from each prompt, as well as tips to ensure that you’ve written a truly great essay. For colleges, the essay not only provides an opportunity to evaluate your creativity, writing style and ability, but also says something about your outlook on life—your preferences, values, the way you think—and the experiences and people who have uniquely shaped you. Finally, colleges can use the essay to begin picturing how you’ll connect with and make the most of resources within their specific campus communities.
Some sentences don’t make sense without context. This could be a popular, mainstream idea that the reader is unaware of, or some historical background that is not common knowledge. In these instances, sentence starters can provide that context without becoming a tangent. Essay paragraphs are important for organizing topics and thoughts and for creating readability and flow. Readers often skip large blocks of writing in blog posts, articles, or essays. It can be confusing when there are no breaks between different ideas or when thoughts flow one into the next without any discernible pauses. Knowing how to write a paragraph to help break up your content and ideas is essential for avoiding this. Think of an academic paper as a funnel. When you first start writing, your audience has no idea what you are discussing, so they need you to draw them in first. Then, once you get into the body, you should be narrow and focused on your topic. Finally, at the end, you should send your reader back out to the rest of the world with a better understanding of your topic and what they should do about it.
Even if you’re yet to get wrinkles, the Ole Henriksen Wrinkle Blur Bakuchiol Eye Gel Creme is a super hydrating, smoothing and brightening eye cream, which layers well under makeup, and helps my concealer sit really nicely on the skin too, which is something I definitely look for with eye creams. For a detailed price comparison: click here. Serve up looks with these brush essentials Dryness of hair can be a true nightmare. It requires more than just regular cleaning and cutting. Want to build a healthy routine for dry hair? Check our guide! ”The most significant results were a noticeable improvement in skin texture; the bumpiness I noticed in some areas of my under eye had virtually vanished, and my eyes were significantly less puffy.” — Jenna Igneri, Product Tester
The eye cream I personally use. Gentle and helps with early fine lines and crepeyness… This brand consistently delivers great moisturizers and skincare products. Bye Bye Under Eye is good for brightening and de-puffing after a long day or night. One of the most soothing ingredients is the cucumber extract which gives your eye area a cooling effect. Try keeping this one in your refrigerator and applying it cold for a spa-like experience. If you have dry skin, use a formula that has natural oil and vitamin E that not only moisturize but protect the skin’s moisture barrier. If you are experiencing oily or combination skin loof for a gel moisturizer like ENATURE SQUEEZE GREEN WATERY GEL CREAM that packs with nutrient-rich like birch juice and kale extract.
A few weeks ago I got a reader question about what tops to wear with light wash jeans. Upload a photo or screenshot and we’ll show you similar items Pink pairs well with almost any neutral color including chambray and denim but today I sharing little more colorful yet casual outfits. Here are the 5 outfits I created with the Jen 7 jeans pink jeans. Light-wash jeans plus a minimalist yet unique white tank (this one has raw edges and a curved hem) never fails. Try adding additional accessories to the pink t shirtand jeans clothing to make it more interesting. In this instance, a pink pattern shirt and a blue set of denim small shorts are worn together to create a straightforward yet elegant and alluring ensemble. To make this costume more creative and distinctive, add a straw hat. Keep in mind the airy-looking nude flip-flops.
The ”Dolly Girl” was another archetype for young females in the 1960s. She emerged in the mid-1960s, and her defining characteristic is the iconic miniskirt. ”Dolly Girls” also sported long hair, slightly teased, of course, and childish-looking clothing. Clothes were worn tight fitting, sometimes even purchased from a children’s section. Dresses were often embellished with lace, ribbons, and other frills; the look was topped off with light colored tights. Crocheted clothing also took off within this specific style. \u2729 There are no returns or exchanges if something does not fit. Measurements are provided and are there to guide you with your purchase. Always compare the given measurements with those of something that fit you. If you need advice, please ask!
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