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Inlägg i samarbete med Markslöjd

Visst är den fin, stjärnan Lilly i från markslöjd! Jag tycker att man kan hänga stjärnor lite här och var i huset, inte bara i ett fönster. Tycker att det blir oerhört mysigt med stjärnan mot brädväggarna i vårt sovrum.

Hur gör ni, hänger ni upp stjärnor på andra platser än i fönstren?

Klicka in er till markslöjd och inspireras av deras julsortiment.

Ha det så gott/Anna


  • Tib

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    It’s not uncommon to want a dress that hides both your tummy and arms as these two body areas are often a point of discomfort for a lot of women. Below are some great options that pack enough style no one will even notice you are trying to hide your tummy and arms. This is an example of a tight dress that highlights the problem area. The attempt to hide it with draping is not successful. A maxi dress that lies just below your knee is the ideal type. It will help accentuate the curves on your body while giving your belly the camouflageyou want. Smock dresses are another flattering style if your conscious about your tummy! This is a simple cut that will do a great job of covering the tummy and skimming over any lumps or bumps. The frill at the hem really adds volume to the bottom of the body and is super slimming on the legs, as well as being perfect for balancing out the body to help achieve that hourglass shape. The addition of a belt here will really define the waist as well, this navy floral dress from Only Carmakoma would be perfect!
    By signing up you agree to our User Agreement and Privacy Policy & Cookie Statement. 2022 is a bit of an unoriginal year: it’s spent most of its time drawing influence from other eras, decades, and pop culture moments, per the Indian Institute of Art and Design. It makes sense, though, if you think about it: we just spent over two years primarily indoors; we didn’t really have the time to go out in the world and experiment with new and innovative fashion ideas. We were focused on recovering, rebuilding, and relearning, so we have to give the fashion world a bit of a pass. For men, bow ties and long ties have alternated their turns in the favor of fashion. From the twenties to the nineties the length, width, fabric, colors and patterns of neck ties have varied according to trends, but they have almost always been a necessity for men’s business dress and formal wear. Men would wear fedoras, golf caps, automobile caps, Panama hats and other nearly timeless styles of hats up until the seventies, after which hats became less popular as casual styles started to dominate the scene. Baseball caps, skull caps, beanies and other types of casual hats remain popular with men and offer a way to display their favorite sports teams to the world.

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