Inlägg i samarbete med Markslöjd
Jag blev helt kär i stjärnan cornelia från Markslöjd, den passar perfekt in våra små fönster, den är endast 45 cm i diametern, urfin om man frågar mig. Jag hade gärna haft kvar den i fönstret, men får plocka ner den och ge mig till tåls till 1 advent.
Tjuvstartar ni, eller väntar ni till 1 Advent med att hänga upp stjärnor och sätta upp stakarna?
Ha det så gott/Anna

There’s no hard and fast rule that dictates when the best time to post on Instagram is. As we’ve highlighted, it all comes down to the nature of your business and the activity pattern of your audience. Also, it’s important to understand how Instagram algorithms work and keep abreast of any changes in those algorithms.Reference Links: Generally, posting your content at night is a big no-no to get the highest attention from your audience. Most studies suggest posting on Instagram from mid-morning to early afternoon. However, the rule can change if you apply your own personalized best time. It might be best for you to post at midnight as most of your audience is in another country with a different time zone. Keep a constant check on your posts even after a week of its posting. Mark the views and likes you get for a particular post and select those that have been most viewed and liked. This way you can post your stuff easily in that specific time range when you are most likely to be getting more likes and views compared to your other posts. This brings you one step closer to knowing the best time to post on Instagram in India.
In the latest trading session, GameStop (GME) closed at $16.60, marking a -0.95% move from the previous day. Leading video game retailer GameStop Corp. GME will report fourth-quarter financial results after market closes Tuesday, March 21. Here’s a look at expectations… GME earnings call for the period ending June 30, 2022. Josh White, an assistant professor of finance at Vanderbilt University and a former economist for the Securities and Exchange Commission, told ABC News that he’s skeptical the SEC will categorize the Reddit army’s actions as market manipulation. The United States is facing a serious shortage of physicians, largely due to the growth and aging of the population and the impending retirements of older physicians. The COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the vital role that physicians and all health care providers play in our nation’s health care infrastructure and has spotlighted the need for a larger physician workforce. In December 2020, bipartisan congressional leaders took a step to address the physician shortage by adding 1,000 new Medicare-supported graduate medical education (GME) positions—200 per year for 5 years—targeted at priority communities including rural, urban, and other teaching hospitals nationwide, ending a nearly 25-year freeze on federal support for GME.
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