Freestanding – Elfasystem installation i tvättstugan
Vi valde Freestanding då vi inte kunde avgöra var vatten och elledningarna gick.(men hyllorna och backarna är detsamma som till deras vägghängda system,om man skulle vilja använda dem i ett annat system om man t.ex skulle flytta någon gång i framtiden)
Ovanför tvättmaskinen finns en praktisk bänk där man kan vika tvätten. På hyllorna över skall jag lägga vikt tvätt som väntar på att komma till rätt rum.
Längs med högersida hänger tre linor där jag hänger tvätt regniga dagar året om och de månader när tvätten inte torkar ute.
Vill du också förändra något utrymme hemma och få bra förvaring. Elfas återförsäljare erbjuder rithjälp så att man kan få en optimal lösning för sin förvaring. Här kan du hitta vilka återförsäljare som erbjuder planeringshjälp.
Fortsättning följer..
Ha det så gott/Anna
Inlägg i samarbete med Elfa Lumi Ab

The first complaint most businesses have when it comes to social media marketing is that it’s a difficult channel through which to track ROI. Our team provides you with in-depth reports on the performance of your social media accounts along with important insight on how that performance is affecting other aspects of your business. We believe in remaining transparent with our clients, so we’ll keep you up to date every step of the way. Describing themselves as a ’socially-led creative agency,’ We Are Social is now one of the world’s biggest social media agencies, having over 1,000 staff members. As the world has evolved technologically, so too have the ways in which we market our businesses and communicate to audiences. Social media has quickly proved itself to be an effective channel for marketing products and services, and ultimately, converting customers. This being the case, social media marketing has become a ripe field for those interested in marketing effectively.
Television was -and still is- one of the most important media, as it combines both sensations of vision and hearing. It was used for education and communication in the early 20th century, but in the middle of the century radio technologies were used in television, thus transmitting news while at the same time entertaining. In the beginning, what the TV was showing was black-and-white and the color quality was not good. As technology evolved, television began to show in color. Exceptions: Australia, Japan, New Zealand (postal interviews), Hong Kong, Malaysia (web-based and face-to-face interviews), and the United States (web-based and telephone interviews). Distributing high-quality video over the Internet does not mean that television networks will simply go online. There is no reason that Star Trek and the evening news should come over the same channel or from the same company. The only reason this is done now, is that both shows have to share the same broadcast frequency. It would be a much better solution to integrate video clips of news with text coverage of the same news and to link both to background analysis and educational resources.
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