Pesto på Kirskål och nässlor
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Favorit i repris |
Kirskål är något som vi flesta ser som ett problem. Det är helt hopplöst att försöka få bort dem.
En klok kvinna sa till mig, det man inte kan man besegra får man lära sig att leva med.
Det är att angripa ett problem från rätt håll.
Kirskålen är superbra till att göra pesto av.
Man kan i princip ha i kirskålen i det mesta man lagar till, gratänger, köttfärssås, såser, pajer etc.
Supernyttigt är det med.
Här kan ni läsa om kirskålens historia.
Här kommer mitt recept.
4 dl olivolja eller rapsolja
1-2 dl solrosfrön
2 dl permesan, eller liknande smakrik ost!
ca 2 liter kirskål/nässlor
1 vitlöks klyfta
smaka av med salt + peppar!
Förväll kirskålen/nässlorna. Krama ur vattnet, lägg alla ingredienser i mixern och mixa runt!
Vill man ha tunnare pesto så kan man hälla på mer olja!
Ha det så gott/Anna

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This will remove all of your posts, saved information and delete your account. During my years at Cartoon Network, these games had been played over 250 million times by kids all over the world. There’s no question that this type of simple platformer is geared to a younger audience and hence clearly underwhelming to a more experienced gamer, but problems with the camera angle and extremely dry gameplay are hard to overcome. There was an attempt to vary the gameplay by giving the playable characters different moves which at least made it more tolerable to push through. It’s the simple jump and shooting platform tactics used over and over again without requiring any interesting tactics or challenging puzzles to solve. Play a ”SpongeBob SquarePants” variation of this game – ”Anchovy Assault” >>
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The total circulating supply of Rally as of writing this article was $4670899805.17 and the marketcap of RLY remains at $75,941,177. The organization is not yet disclosing details about how eco-friendliness will be achieved. The NFT platform is set for beta launch next month, “with the full stand-alone project coming this summer,” Rally says. Rally’s long term Price Prediction below is a look at RLY’s future prospect with regards to price. Rally was last seen at $0.016, with a market cap of $75,941,177 and trading volumes of $21,382,398. RLY’s price prediction is possible by analyzing historical price action, current developments and social sentiment from the community. RLY is already attracting the limelight and could serve as a big navigator for creators in the future. However, if traders provide the virtual currency a very emotive push. Additionally, a surge in trading activity may enable RLY to end the year’s trading at a maximum price of $0.065.
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